Over the summer Annie and I had the chance to meet with owner and founder of Puj, Katie Richardson.
As it turns out, Katie and I both briefly used the same sponge-like infant bath tub insert with our first babies. Both of us strongly disliked the way the sponge soaked up the baby's bath water - among other issues. I believe that was the point when Katie knew parents needed something better for bath time and went for a solution. She used her design background and mother's intuition to create a infant tub that is truly a cut above any other available on the market today.
I gushed over the Puj Tub when I saw it, because it's truly a genius design! The Puj Tub fits nearly any size sink and cradles baby with enough water to keep them safe, yet comfortable and warm. And did I mention it unfolds to lay flat for simple drying, cleaning, and storage?
During our visit with Katie, I noted the towel that went with the tub. But a towel is a towel, right? Wrong!
Puj's infant towel, the Puj Hug, has interlocking silicone tabs, allowing you to hang it around your neck, bathe baby with both hands, lift baby to your chest, unlatch the hooded side of the towel and wrap it around your precious little one. Bathing a slippery wet infant, often with only one hand, can be very stressful. What I love about Puj is that they have stepped in and created intuitive products that take away that stress. Annie has been using Puj's tub and infant towel since Shiloh was born, and here's her experience:
"I wish I could have had the Puj Tub and Hug with my older three, because now with Shiloh, bath time is so much easier and fun! I never wanted to invest in an infant tub before, because they were so bulky. So I resorted to bathing my babies in the sink, one hand supporting them, while the other did the washing. With the Puj Tub, bath time is a breeze. I can bathe Shiloh upstairs or down, because the tub fits both my kitchen and bathroom sinks. And with the Puj Hug around my neck, I'm never fiddling with a towel while trying to get the wet baby out of the tub. These products Katie has created truly make motherhood more enjoyable and meaningful.
We are thrilled to partner with Puj and host a giveaway over on Instagram. One winner will receive a Puj Tub and Hug! The contest starts Wednesday, October 29th, so don't forget to head on over and tell your friends too.
Hope you'll are having a fun week preparing for Halloween with your little ones!