School has been out for three weeks now and while my four children have been swimming daily at our neighborhood pool and enjoying playdates with friends, they naturally hit moments in the day when boredom overcomes them.
I believe boredom is very normal and actually quite healthy! It gives children a chance to problem solve and work together, perhaps while also winding down from a high-energy activity they may have just finished. More often than not, I spend a few moments helping them think of something new to do - and off they go! I thought I'd share some of the things we have been enjoying this summer. Hopefully it will help when your children hit a rut in their summer playtime routine. For school age kids down to toddlers - there's something for everyone.
1) Explore outside with this basket and collect interesting finds along the way.
2) Write a play/story for these wooden peg dolls and perform it after dinner.
3) Read all about real life inventions that seem too weird to work.
4) Take craft and art time to the next level with these wonderful watercolor pencils.
5) Introduce puzzles to toddlers with this wooden elephant puzzle that is a stacking toy too.
6) This visual perception card game is great to play during an afternoon lull or in the evening before bedtime.
7) Encourage open play with this castle block set. Use with or without the base to create different types of block structures.
8) Use this rainbow silk for dress-up or playscape. My children have their rainbow silks out every single day!
9) Paper dolls like you've never seen before - with adjustable limbs and stunning outfits, this paper doll set is sure to be huge hit.
10) Learn to draw 135 varieties of trees, flowers, animals - this fantastic drawing book has become a go-to for my kids this summer.
11) Even little fingers can learn to loom with this child-sized weaving peg loom.
12) Babies will enjoy these colorful ice cream rattles - makes a great newborn gift for a summer arrival too.